Ohio Standards
Grade Level
Early Learning Portal
Item Type
Learning Module
Prof. Learning & Support
Professional Learning

Learn more about the INFOhio Early Learning Portal, a collection of over 50 quality websites and mobile apps that support the Ohio Early Learning Standards. Participants will explore the digital resources found in the Early Learning Portal and learn how to integrate them into the early learning classroom and instruction. After successfully completing a quiz, participants will earn a certificate for two contact hours.

Participants who wish to take the class for Ohio Approved credit should log in to their OCCRRA profile and register for the class. Search for ST10095142. Once you have completed the class and the quiz, the INFOhio instructor for the class will verify your attendance for Ohio Approved credit. Please note that verification of attendance in the class is updated in OCCRRA each Monday. You may experience a delay between completing the class and receiving your Ohio Approved credit because of this. 


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