Teach With INFOhio

Computer and Technology Lessons from DigitalLearn and GCFGlobal Added to Open Space

Author // INFOhio Staff Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Instructional materials from DigitalLearn and GCFGlobal have been added to Open Space. Both platforms feature beginner and intermediate lessons on a wide range of technology topics such as using a keyboard and mouse, navigating and searching the web, and accounts and passwords. The 31 lessons from DigitalLearn also include topics like building a resume and creating a basic budget while the 148 items from GCFGlobal include tutorials to popular software and apps and English and math lessons. All lessons are self-paced and can be used in the classroom or as professional development.

In the lesson Search Better from GCFGlobal, learners are presented with three mini lessons that include text, video, graphics, and interactives. For example, in the image below, an interactive image is included in this lesson that provides pop-up windows of information when the learner clicks different parts of the sample search results. In addition to mini lessons, there is also a quiz to check for understanding.

screenshot of the Search Better lesson, showing an interactive hotspot image

Open Space is a curriculum curation and collaboration tool from INFOhio which empowers educators to build community through groups, access curated collections, search for freely accessible instructional materials, and to curate and share resources that promote innovative and collaborative learning. Have questions? INFOhio is always here to help. For questions, comments, and additional support, contact us at support.infohio.org.

About the Author

Posted by: INFOhio Staff

INFOhio is Ohio's PreK-12 digital library. INFOhio is optimized by the Management Council.

INFOhio Staff
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