Author // Sarah Mowery Thursday, 04 February 2021
BLUEcloud is SirsiDynix's next-generation library services platform that brings the best library user experience in a cloud-based environment. Through INFOhio, the following BLUEcloud products can be accessed such as BLUEcloud Circulation, BLUEcloud Cataloging, MobileStaff, and ISearch. BLUEcloud Circulation manages check-ins, checkouts, holds, and more, from any supported device with an internet connection. BLUEcloud Cataloging brings copy cataloging to the cloud, to work smarter and faster. With MobileStaff, take circulation out from behind the circulation desk, conduct inventory, and create a self-checkout station. ISearch, INFOhio's discovery search interface, allows users to search nearly all INFOhio resources along with the contents of school libraries making it easier for you to find the right resource when needed. Choose to complete individual classes in this INFOhio Learning Pathway, or complete the full BLUEcloud Learning Pathway to earn up to 16.5 contact hours.
The complete BLUEcloud Learning Pathway includes the following 6 classes:
After completing the classes in this learning pathway, take a final quiz, and earn a BLUEcloud Learning Pathway Badge.
Have questions? INFOhio is always here to help. For questions, comments, and additional support contact us at
Sarah Mowery is a Professional Instructional Specialist with INFOhio. She has worked in education for 16 years as a school librarian and technology coach in elementary and middle school settings. While in these roles, she's been an integral part of the building leadership teams working as a curriculum connector and integrating web-based tools. She earned a BA in Sociology from Bowling Green State University and an MLS with a specialization in PK-12 schools from East Carolina University. Sarah was one of the original INFOhio ICoaches when the program first began in 2013 and has a passion for sharing how INFOhio resources can transform teaching and impact learning for students and educators across the state of Ohio.
Fetch is avaiable to INFOhio automated schools. If you are an INFOhio school, please log in with your school username/password using the button at the top-left corner of this page.
For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at