Teach With INFOhio

Quality Text for Black History Month: eBook Collections from INFOhio

Author // Emily Rozmus Wednesday, 22 January 2025

February is Black History Month. Quality text from eBook collections provided by INFOhio support knowledge building and vocabulary development while increasing awareness and understanding of the contributions of African Americans.

The text used for reading instruction is important. Quality text meets the needs of readers and the task, develops background knowledge and vocabulary, and stretches readers with complexity to prepare them for college and career. As readers learn through the systematic and explicit instruction of structured literacy, it is important that authentic, grade-level, and content-area specific text be used for the development of language comprehension. 

When choosing quality text, educators should consider the components of the graphic below.

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INFOhio offers quality text to supplement the text found in curricula. These eBooks can help engage, empower, elevate, and extend readers. The vetted eBook collections provided by INFOhio for all students, educators, and families offer ease in finding the best grade-level or complex text for reader task and purpose. Browse the collections below to support Black History Month and find the text that is right for your students.  

BookFlix—Grades PreK-3

BookFlix offers unlimited use fiction and nonfiction paired titles. Popular fiction picture books are presented as Weston Woods films with the text on the screen. Nonfiction titles appear as traditional eBooks, but both give readers the option to turn the read-aloud function on or off. Many titles are also available in Spanish. Educators can use the Resources and Tools feature to search for quality text for their students.

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Use the filters to find titles to help students in grades PreK-3 learn more about African Americans in the history of our country. You can also narrow results to Lexile or grade level to find quality text for classroom instruction. 


Popular titles in BookFlix include:

Learn more about using BookFlix in the classroom in the Teach With INFOhio Blog post Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with BookFlix

Capstone Interactive eBooks—Grades 3-5

The eBooks from Capstone Interactive are standards-aligned and support science and social studies. More than 1500 unlimited-use titles offer quality text to support student comprehension. Educators can search by topic or use filters to find the right text for students. Capstone Search by Standards makes it easy to search by standard to find eBooks that give students in grades 3-5 access to primary documents, biographies, and fictional retellings of African Americans, the Civil Rights Movement, or the Underground Railroad.

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Titles to consider using as quality text in the classroom include:


Learn more about using Capstone Interactive eBooks in the classroom by reading Simple Strategies to Supplement Instruction with Capstone Interactive eBooks. View a demonstration on how to use Capstone Connect in the Learn With INFOhio Webinar Through the Capstone Lens: Focus on Standards-Aligned Content.

World Book eBooks—Grades 6-8

For middle-grade students, the eBooks in the World Book collection gives readers information about how African Americans made history and changed the world. The collection's unlimited use and quality text provide opportunities for readers to develop background knowledge on a topic and improve comprehension. 

This collection can easily be browsed using the horizontal topics menu above the eBooks. Choose titles from Biographies, History, and Sports and Recreation that provide information on important historical figures and events from America's history. 


You can also search for these titles in the eBook collection


EBSCO High School eBook Collection—Grades 9-12

More than 12,000 titles, including classic literary works, important historical documents, and general reference materials, can provide high school students with a variety of supplemental texts to support reading to prep for college and career readiness. Extend high school students with complex text about topics essential for understanding the history of African Americans in the United States. The EBSCO High School eBook Collection titles are unlimited use, perfect to implement for whole group reading.


It is easy to search by topic or title in the EBSCO interface. Authentic texts in a variety of genres will engage and empower teens. Unlike the other eBook collections featured, not all the texts have a Lexile level. However, educators can find the quantitative level to ensure the text is grade-level or higher for whole-class instruction. 


Consider using these texts from the collection if they meet your readers and their needs:

Using Educator Tools to Find Titles

Want to find more great eBooks all in one search? Educator Tools is the easiest way to search the licensed and purchased content from INFOhio. 


Use the limiters on the left to narrow your search for best results:

  • Gradel Level: Check the grade(s) for interest and readability
  • Content Area: Choose the content area you need to support with quality eBooks (Social Studies for Black History Month)
  • Source: Check INFOhio resources if you choose
  • Item Type: Check eBook to narrow your results


Using a keyword search such as "Martin Luther King Jr.", "biography",  or "Jackie Robinson" is a great way to find specific titles. 

Educator Tools also has choice boards that offer students reading choices about Black History Month topics. Search "choice boards." Choice boards are in alphabetical order. Find several boards with grade-appropriate titles to share with students.

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Explore eBook collections from INFOhio to find titles to support readers this February and all year long. With thousands of eBooks to choose from, quality text for language comprehension development is just a few clicks away!


About the Author

Posted by: Emily Rozmus

Emily Rozmus is a Senior Instructional Specialist at INFOhio. She has worked in education for more than 30 years, first as a secondary English teacher and district librarian before starting at INFOhio in 2013. Emily has developed district growth plans, integrated technology, created instruction for information literacy, fostered teacher development, and worked on teams to implement curriculum. At INFOhio, she focuses on training educators to use INFOhio resources to improve learning.  

Emily Rozmus
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